1 (855) 862-1185

Marylanders, you’re unique.  But you knew that. Known as “Little America”, Maryland is home to some of the widest variety of terrain, from mountains and farmland to beaches and sand dunes. In short, Maryland is a great place to live and work.  In fact, our experienced Independent Contractors are hardworking Marylanders just like you, who will do their best to help you better manage your energy budget!*

*StateWise Energy Maryland Programs are not available to customers on energy assistance programs.

Maryland’s home to some heavy hitters!

Like Babe Ruth.

Micheal Phelps… and his 23 gold medals!

You even gave the world the Umbrella!

And not to mention, you’re home to the National Anthem

Being a Marylander is a Home Run!

Sure it’s impressive that you’ve given us Hall of Fame Major League Baseball greats like Babe Ruth, Jimmie Foxx, and Robert (Lefty) Grove.

But knocking it out of the park comes in other forms too – like making the decision to put an end to uncertain energy rates. Put your trust in a StateWise Energy Independent Contractors and be safe from the guessing game of monthly energy costs.

Our people make us unique